
Sense of Place Survey Overview


Sense of Place Survey Overview

What St Helier Harbour means to you 

Through a dedicated Sense of Place survey, we asked Islanders for their thoughts on the wider harbour area. We wanted to better understand the identity and distinctiveness that is wrapped up in the character, fabric, look, feel, sights, sounds and smells of the Harbour, as well as in the memories, meaning and promise that it holds for people. 

We also wanted to understand how people interact with the harbour- how they arrive here and move around, and the challenges they face in doing this. We asked about how the experience of this area might be improved and invited respondents to share with us their memories of this place as well as their hopes for the future. 

We received a total of 229 responses to this survey. The results can be found on the following pages.


Question 1: How familiar are you with St Helier Harbour?

There were 225 responses to this question. 

In terms of their familiarity with St Helier Harbour:

  • 62% of respondents are very familiar with it
  • 27% are quite familiar
  • 11% are familiar with certain parts

graphs showing results for the question How familiar are you with St Helier Harbour. Of 225 responses, 139 were very familiar, 60 were quite familiar and 26 people were familiar with only some parts


Question 2: How do you arrive at St Helier Harbour?

There were 196 responses to this question. In terms of mode of transport, most people are likely to arrive by car with a significant number arriving on foot, followed by those arriving by bicycle.


Question 3: Do you have any challenges/difficulties with the journey to or around the Harbour area?

There were 131 responses to this question. While 38% of respondents indicated no difficulty with their journey to and around the Harbour area, the remainder highlighted a number of key challenges as follows:

Access and accessibility 

  • Crossing La Route de la Liberation needs to be addressed
  • Getting from one part of the Harbour to another – cross movement - is difficult
  • The walking areas are narrow and cluttered
  • The dual use pedestrian/cycle paths are too narrow
  • Crossing roads with large trucks feels unsafe
  • There’s not much cover for pedestrians
  • No convenient access to public transport
  • Access to and around the harbours for disabled people is problematic
  • Signage and wayfinding need to be addressed 

Below are a selection of quotes from the feedback received. 


  • A lack of convenient public parking
  • A lack of parking for marine traders, boat owners, other port users, and permit holders

Below are a selection of quotes from the feedback received. 

Traffic congestion

  • Traffic volumes at peak times or when ferries are disembarking passengers 
  • Too much traffic around Esplanade making it difficult to get to 
  • The restricted size and capacity of the main access road
  • Freight traffic having to cross from storage

Below are a selection of quotes from the feedback received. 


Question 4: How would you rate your experience of the Harbour?

There were 174 responses to this question. Respondents rated their experience of the Harbour as follows;


Question 5: What do you do at St Helier Harbour?

There were 176 responses to this question.

In terms of the 284 choices selected, they broke down into: 

  • 142 visit St Helier Harbour
  • 99 pass through
  • 31 work there
  • 11 live there


Question 6: What was the reason for your visit?

There were 159 responses to this question. Here again, respondents were free to select all the categories which applied. The top most frequently cited reasons for visiting the Harbour were;

  • To take the ferry
  • To walk
  • To sail / go boating
  • To sit and take in the views


Question 7: When you think about the Harbour area, what are the important considerations for the future?

There were 169 responses to this question. The most important considerations cited by respondents in terms of the future development of the Harbour included the need to; 

  • Have excellent access for all
  • Reflect Jersey's history
  • Have places to socialise
  • Be walkable
  • Reflect Jersey's identity
  • Be easy to get around
  • Have more places to eat
  • Be safe


Question 8: Is there anything else you think we should consider when refining our proposals for Elizabeth Harbour?

The survey posed a number of questions which invited free form text responses. 

These questions sought to explore those places, memories, and activities which are special for people; the things we might do to enhance the experience of the Harbour for everyone as well as the things we need to be mindful of in taking our plans forward. 

In capturing the responses over the next three pages, we have identified the key themes which emerged along with a sample of quotations which amplify the sentiments expressed.

Memorable activities and places 

What we need to do to improve the experience for everyone

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