St Helier Harbour Master Plan logoSt Helier Harbour Master Plan

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Ports of Jersey

Ports of Jersey is the incorporated business that operates the Island’s Airport and Harbours. Our core business is highly regulated in safety and security and is constantly subject to external scrutiny. However, despite this regulated side of the business there’s a large business to consumer piece delivered by our Jersey Marinas and Customer Relations teams. We’re here to not only provide the necessary infrastructure to allow Jersey Airport and Harbours’ operations to take place, but also to enrich the experiences and journeys of our customers through high quality services. Previously a Government department, our incorporation enables us to continue to provide essential public services to the Island in a sustainable manner, and, as a self-financing entity, undertake major projects like this without funding from taxpayers. Our role is to continue to develop the facilities, services and products for the benefit of residents, visitors and businesses. The St Helier Harbour Master Plan will be the biggest capital investment since Ports of Jersey’s incorporation in 2015. Your responses to the consultation will help to refine the proposal for Elizabeth Harbour, ahead of making a planning application on the final design.

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Commonplace connects you to the people who create the places where you live, work and play. A platform to speak and be heard by developers, councils, and public bodies to initiate better decisions and places for all.

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